Code for Philly

We're part of a national alliance of community organizers, developers, and designers that are putting technology to work in service of our local communities. We believe that government can work, for the people, by the people, in the digital age, if we all help.

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We have here a dash application embedded inside a flask app as a context, being served by node. Callbacks work, db works, login / logout works. The test server is live on heroku, and the code is hosted on git. Basic instructions for running locally are in the README. Although this is aimed at UNIX users. The next goal is to write thorough documentation on developing locally and the deployment procedures. If anyone is interested in contributing in the meantime, please join #chime-app!

 Marieke Jackson (Administrator) 

Willistown Township Recycling Resource Lookup Update #3

The URL for more info action is working… Next I want to add a click here for Google Maps directions…

懵懂求问,现在肉身翻墙还是好选择吗 - 非主流文化 ...:2021-2-3 · 不翻墙连活命都是奢望,你觉得呢 uselessone (may) 在 ta 的帖子中提到: 看着大学舍友现在L司做程序猿生活的美滋滋有些羡慕嫉妒恨,当年有机会出国读书的时候由于家里信息闭塞+穷,没能出去,研也没读,就去工作了。

美国务院批中国封杀推特 却翻墙传播虚假讯息 | www ...:2021-5-1 · 美国国务院发言人摩根·奥特加斯表示,美国注意到中国共产党官员更加主动在推特上的活动,但是,中国政府封杀推特,官员却翻墙传播虚假讯息。 摩根·奥特加斯说:“不幸地,中国禁止人民通过推特发言,中国共产党官员却决定通过推特对外交流,这是有意思的一点。

 Zachary Leahan  

Willistown Township Recycling Resource Lookup Update #2

Here's the backend tables (g sheets). Just 3 tables… items, centers, and item center. I use data validation of course. Tableau does the join for me.

记者暗访天通苑:超大型社区防控难度仍较大--北京频道--人民网:2021-3-6 · 纸质出入证很容易伪造。 为阻止翻墙,物业加装了铁丝网。 社区里护栏低矮,难伍彻底封闭管理。 近日,天通苑出现假社区出入证的事件引发市民 ...

 Zachary Leahan  

Willistown Township Recycling Resource Lookup Update #1

Here's the Tableau Public lookup app —-!/vizhome/WillistownRecyclingLookup/Search?publish=yes

Please take a look. I'm seeking usability suggestions.

 Zachary Leahan  


Snow-Capped is now Snowcap.Me, and we are forging a path ahead to an MVP since finding a workaround for the existing patent.

 Nicholas Quigley  

Brittany Anderson  Philadelphia Bail Fund Interactive Data Portal Buzz

Project Overview Presentation During 7/6 Mtg

Come join the bootstrapping fun in our meeting July 7th at 6:30p! We will be going over project requirements, help needed & the Philadelphia Bail Funds mission. Also be sure to join our slack channel at #philadelphia_bail_fund

Meeting URL: Phone: ‪+1 402-588-0110‬ PIN: ‪248 697 317#‬ More numbers:

Read the full article on…   Published
 Brittany Anderson  

Workforce Impact Analysis 自由动态网翻墙手机版

The City's Office of Workforce Development has been officially shuttered as part of their new budget, which de-prioritized the economic stability of our city and especially that of its most vulnerable citizens. I am taking this project in-house at Key Medium as part of our Coding For Causes program so as to morph into a self-help tool and will post more about it once something is ready to see. It will replace the website and we already have some amazing community partner nonprofits onboard that will help us address the challenges of those most vulnerable.

It's quite sad that the City has mostly turned their backs and chose to prioritize continuing the immense spending on police budget. Not just that—they chose the continuation of the 10-year tax abatement which is taking some hundreds of millions of prospective taxes away from communities and people who need it the most, gentrifying the whole city, and have proved to be quite a terrible policy in comparison to more nimble cities like Pittsburgh, which didn't de-prioritize it's people but rather doubled-down on them. Kudos to the city for their massive decrease in the wage tax base during COVID and the inability to collect property tax for a decade due to inaffective property tax policy, to say the least.

 Ali Jaffar  

CHIME: COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics Update #4

CHIME 2.0 kickoff!

Due to the model's diminishing returns as the epidemic progresses, the app is going to undergo some model and platform updates so it can continue to be a resource for decision makers!

The next iteration of CHIME development will move to

  1. 翻墙要看的 - 收藏夹 - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-3-21 · 翻墙要看的 添加评论 「希特勒与中国人的故事」有历史根据吗? 13 13 赞同 反对 知乎用户 13 人赞同 比方说,一个黑鬼或支那人就因为学习了日耳曼语言,并愿意在未来讲德语,就可伍把它伊认同为“日耳曼人”,就可伍让它伊手握德国政党的 ...

  2. Move platform to tech that allows user to import csv

  3. Update model to use better methods of estimating parameters

We're looking for python developers with data modeling (especially Bayesian methods) experience or Dash experience!

 Marieke Jackson (Administrator) 

Welcome New Members of the CFP Leadership Team!

Our leadership team is expanding! Meet Spriha Jha and Julia Schuchard, who are both joining the Code for Philly leadership team. Get to know them!

 中国古建筑知识一点通 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-2-20 · 中国古筑知识一点通 62。为什么建牌坊? 原始社会时期,人伊为了防备野兽或外来人的袭击,在住房 的四周用壕沟围拢起来,伍防万一。我伊从西安出土的半坡遗址中即可伍看到简单的防护设施,如防卫墙等,都是为了防御的目的而建的。    4 Comments


Back to the drawing board/prototyping— we are continuing to help Philadelphians connect with the 20K or so vacant jobs. Companies are still hiring, and people are still unemployed. Not just that—the opportunity to upskill is more important than ever.

 Ali Jaffar  
翻墙安卓一点通_翻墙安卓一点通在线观看-工成视频网:训犬一点通 下载_怎么训练狗狗接飞盘_训狗教程 05:38 不用烤炉烤箱 做烤肉 20210420 快乐生活一点通 高清 05:02 于佳 美食佳 快乐生活一点通 老韩煸鸡-BTV播出版本 翻墙安卓一点通视频大全 28:10 快乐生活一点通 …